Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mini Project #3: Homemade Ice Cream

To demonstrate the properties of lowering the freezing point of something, we made homemade ice cream in class today. It was really yummy :) (although there was water and salt and ice everywhere! x.x)

Photocredit: Theresa Anselmo

To make our homemade ice cream, we put 1 cup of milk into a ziploc baggie and added two tablespoons of sugar and some vanilla extract. Then we sealed it off and put it into a bigger ziploc bag with lots of ice and 1/3 cup of salt in it, and sealed that too. After we shook it for about 5 minutes, the milk would begin to solidify and it would turn into some delicious ice cream :)

But how does this work? When the salt comes in contact with the ice, the salt lowers the melting point of the ice, making it really really cold, allowing the ice cream to solidify.

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