Friday, April 16, 2010


How to Make Glow-in-the-Dark Slime
How to Make Glow-in-the-Dark Slime (with similar instructions)

Materials needed:
  • Elmer's glue gel or 4% polyvinyl alcohol solution
  • 4% (saturated) borax solution
  • phosphorescent zinc sulfide (ZnS) or glowing paint
  • measuring cups/spoons
  • bowl or ziploc baggie
  • spoon (optional)

    1. Make a 4% polyvinyl alcohol solution. Another substitution is one part regular school glue, mixed with three parts water.
    2. Mix zinc sulfide into the polyvinyl alcohol solution (approx. 0.6ml ZnS per 30ml of solution). Or, use glow-in-the-dark paint found at arts and crafts stores.
    3. Make a 4% saturated borax solution.
    4. Mix 3 parts of the PVA or glue gel solution with 1 part borax solution, and slowly mix inside a sealed baggie with a spoon or with your hands.

    Safety Precautions:
  • Don't eat or inhale the slime or any of the ingredients
  • Always wash your hands after using the slime

    Scientific Principles:
    1. Slime is made up of polymers.
    2. The borax acts to connect the glue molecules, creating chemical polymers, which makes slime.
    3. Zinc sulfide has a special physical chemical property of glowing in the dark.
  • Thursday, April 1, 2010

    Measuring Air

    it would make sense that air weighs nothing... but apparently it does!

    the molar mass of air, as we discovered this week, is about 30 grams per mole of air. so air has weight. whaaat.

    we made a vacuum in a syringe (which was really hard to pull out D:) and then weighed it on a scale which kept going up and down :C. Then we put the air back in the syringe and weight it again. then we used lots of equations and stuff and calculated the number of moles of air in the syringe and how much it weighed. that's how we got the molar mass of air. yay! we kinda solved it like this but i think it was less complicated.